What to Expect
We will chat about what you are hoping to achieve from your session and I will answer any questions you may have.
The Space
The room has a relaxing vibe, a heated treatment table, soft music and lighting. Reiki sessions typically last about 65 minutes.
The Reiki Treatment
During the treatment you'll lie on your back, fully clothed.
I gently place my hands on or just above your body in various energy center locations (head to feet) and use a series of 12-15 different hand positions.
During the Session
You may experience the energy as sensations (e.g. heat, tingling)
You may become so relaxed that you fall into a deep, sleeplike meditative state.
You may be able to feel energy being released or you may simply feel complete peace and relaxation.
Following the Session
You will be given a few minutes to "reawaken". We will then discuss the session and I'll answer any questions you may have. The healing Reiki energy will continue to flow even after you leave your Reiki session. Perhaps spend some quiet time that day or evening to journal about your experience.
To witness the growth, healing, and transformation of others and to have been a part of that is overwhelmingly beautiful.
“I've had numerous Reiki sessions with Janet and though the sessions differ from one to another, it always seems to be just what I need. Janet is so intuitive that her sessions just flow...they can be relaxing or deeply moving as emotional healing occurs. Janet has a beautiful spirit and is so very caring. I would highly recommend a Reiki session with her!"
Jaylee E.
"Janet Allen performed Rieki with me on a sunny day in her beautiful studio. The time together was relaxing and healing. By the time I departed I felt as sunny on the inside as it was outside. I felt renewed, balanced and as hopeful as the sunshine."

Maura S.
"My sessions with Janet are so grounding and relaxing. It feels like such a gift to relax on her table and get body work done. I always feel more grounded and centered and less stressed when my session is complete."
Kristine K.